Nästa artikelSaab får en månads andrum - nya budgivare
Publicerad 1 december 2009
Saabs öde
GM:s styrelse beslöt i sista stund att överväga nya bud som kan rädda Saab undan nedläggning.
Saab fick en sista chans till överlevnad under GM:s styrelsemöte. Under en månad ska nya bud på Trollhätteföretaget övervägas. Vilka som lagt dem avslöjas inte. Om inte något av de nya buden anses acceptabelt ska en nedläggning av den globala verksamheten ske under "ordnade former".
Här nedan är GM:s pressmeddelande i sin helhet:
"GM Statement Regarding Saab Negotiations
DETROIT - The GM Board of Directors has received expressions of interest in Saab since the conclusion of negotiations with Koenigsegg Group AB. The Board will evaluate potential bids between now and the end of December. At that time, we will determine whether a suitable arrangement for Saab exists. If not, we will begin an orderly wind down of the global Saab business at that time.
Due to non-disclosure agreements, we will not confirm or comment on any potential transactions or other matters unless, and until, we determine that disclosure is appropriate."
Här nedan är GM:s pressmeddelande i sin helhet:
"GM Statement Regarding Saab Negotiations
DETROIT - The GM Board of Directors has received expressions of interest in Saab since the conclusion of negotiations with Koenigsegg Group AB. The Board will evaluate potential bids between now and the end of December. At that time, we will determine whether a suitable arrangement for Saab exists. If not, we will begin an orderly wind down of the global Saab business at that time.
Due to non-disclosure agreements, we will not confirm or comment on any potential transactions or other matters unless, and until, we determine that disclosure is appropriate."
Låt det vila ifrid. Varför skall en företag som tillverkar bilar skilja sig från en vanlig vinstdrivande verksamhet. Lägg ner eländet nu!
Tack for intiresnuyu iformatsiyu
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